Monday 26 November 2012

What is the point of advertising?


In this blogpost, I am going to explain the top five points on the point of advertising. I am going to expand and reflect on the reasons on why these are the top five.

Top five points n advertising
  • Advertising draws the attention to a product/service
"Advertising draws attention to a product or service" is an important factor of advertising because it grasps the audiences attention, which will result in awareness of the product. If the target market are interested in buying the product or using the service, it will achieve the original purpose of sales for the company. When a consumer buys/uses a company's product/service, the consumer would also advertise the product themselves, by word of mouth with peers or recognition.

I feel that if the attention of the target consumers are fully grasped and achieved, then the product would have a greater chance on not only sales, but recognition and making consumers more aware of your brand through word of mouth, or following brand trends.
  • Advertising helps businesses to make a profit
"Advertising helps businesses to make a profit" is an important factor of advertising because it is the main objective for a company. If the advertising for a company's product is successful, the company would make money because consumers would purchase it, ergo raising the sales for a business, which is achieving their main objectives.

My opinion on how advertising helps businesses to make a profit is a very important aspect on the whole purpose of advertising. This is because the final result of adverts is to help promote a company, which results in the company generating a profit, which is every business' main objective.
  • There are 20,000 jobs in the advertising agency
"There are 20,000 jobs in the advertising agency" is an important factor of advertising because it is the lifeline/livelihood of many members, so if there was no advertising, they would be jobless or in other careers that they may not have wished to have. Also the fact that 20,000 have jobs in just the advertising agency, that proves how much effort and teamwork must go into the production of an advert. Without these 20,000 people, the final end product of a advertisement would not be in existence.

My thought on the 20,000 jobs in the advertising agency is a important factor because without the crew/employees behind the scene, there would be no finalized media production to help promote a company's product/service.
  • Advertising keeps consumers up to date with new developments
"Advertising keeps consumers up to date with new developments" is a important factor of advertising because it informs customers on the latest products and services available on the market, so they are up to date on the latest gadgets/versions/promotions available, which will entice them to buy/use the product.

My view on how advertisements keep the audience up to date with new developments is that it is a important factor because if customers are aware on new products on the market, they would want to purchase the products and wish to be updated on the latest gadgets/trends.
  • Advertising helps promote and stimulate competition
"Advertising helps promote and stimulate competition" is a important factor in advertising because it allows a company to inform the target audience on what products/services they offer and what is out on the market, which would also stimulate competition if rival companies are offering the same/similar products/services.

I think that advertising helps to promote and stimulate competition is a important factor because it helps a company stand out from a market, and it lets consumers be aware on what is available for them to purchase/use.

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