In this blogpost, I am going to analyse three different anti-smoking television adverts which are all based on anti-smoking themes. These adverts will be referenced from
2.0: Advert 1 - Anti-smoking ad
- Product
- Plot
- Target audience
- Mise en scene
Setting - The setting used in this advertisement is in a hospital. This is to show the seriousness on the effects of smoking and where a potential smoker can end up.
Props - The props used in the advert is the protagionist lying in bed, which signifies he is weak, losing strength and dying. And they have used props such as hospital pipes and drips attached to his body to show the seriousness of his conditon.
- Camera shots
- Advertising techniques
The advert also used basic camera techniques and equipment to give it a sense of authencity, and as if the situation was not staged.
- Sounds
- Content signs
Within the advert, there were hospital tubes and pipes which were attached to the man for his health. This signifies that the man is very ill and his condition is critical in hospital
There is also the signifier of a hospital bed, which signifies that the effects of smoking are very bad, as it left the victim very ill, weak and almost at death's door.
3.0: Advert 2 - Government release new hard hitting anti-smoking advert
- Product
- Plot
- Target audience
- Mise en scene
Setting - The setting used for this advert is in a family home, which represents that many members will be affected by this message/product/service. The family home has also been included because this is supposed to be the place where they feel safe and protected, but it shows the creeping gases invading the space like a danger/disaster.
Props - The props included within this advert are objects such as childrens toys, paintings, babies feeding utensils, etc. These props have been used to portray the innocence of the other family members involved.
- Camera shots
Another camera angle that is used within the advert is a long shot of the room, with the sleeping baby placed in the middle. This is to capture how the smoke has invaded the whole room, taking over and poisoning the air and object of the surrounding baby.
Finally, another shot that was used was a extreme close up shot of the baby's hands and feet twitching. This is used to show how the baby can feel the smoke touching his/her skin and how it is affecting it. It is also to give off a effect to the viewers on how the rotten smoke is affecting something so fragile, innocent and perfect.
- Advertising techniques
The advert also used the effect of emotional response (pulling on the heart strings). This is used by the use of children within the advert, because the reaction that the target audience will give is that they want to protect their loved ones and their maternal/paternal instincts will help them to see the seriousness of smoking.
Finally, the use of percentages and statistics used within the advert shows that research has been carried out to make the facts within the advert authentic and real.
- Sounds
- Content signs
Other signifiers included within the advert is the low rumbling dark smoke, which signifies that the toxic fumes are creeping in like danger and invading the room, poisioning the children and their belongings.
4.0: Advert 3 - Smoking: I wanna be like you
- Product
- Plot
The music at the start of the advert is quite uplifting and cheerful, then the music dies down to a awkward and tension-filled silence, which shows the seriousness of the message.
- Target audience
- Mise en scene
Settings - The settings portrayed within the advertisement are various places such as the on the road/outside/pavement/public, at home, in a bedroom, etc. This is to show that whatever you do, and wherever you go, there are always children around imitating you and you are influencing their decisions.
Props - The props used within the advert are grown up objects. e.g. prams, high heels, razors, etc. But the advert shows children using it, with the supervision of their parents. This is to show how children try to imitate their parents in their actions and habits.
- Camera shots
- Advertising techniques
The advert also used the shock factor advertising technique, when the little girl imitates her mother smoking, because it shocks people on how influencial smoking or the actions of a parent can be towards a child.
- Sounds
There is also a non-diegetic sound of a voice over to inform the viewers on what is happening and some information on the service.
- Content signs
5.0: Comparison
The comparison between the three adverts is that the first one (Anti-smoking ad), it uses the effect of a real life situation and techniques to give the target audience a direct wake-up call on the effects of smoking.
The second advert (Government release new hard hitting anti-smoking advert) uses the techniques of showing smokers the effect of passive smoking using more serious terms. (by showing the smoke invading the room, around the innocent baby).
The third advert (Smoking: I wanna be like you) uses a more lighter, but shocking approach on showing how smoking influences your children. The message portrayed is not shown using such strong techniques, but the point that was to be shown hits the target audience hard.
In conclusion, I feel the first advertisement is the most effective anti-smoking advertisement out of all of the analysed ones because, it shows the full and real effect of smoking, and the message shown is a true situation, which was not staged. It showed raw emotion and pain that the smoker went through, which will scare or shock current smokers.
6.0: Bibliography (08/10/2012) (08/10/2012) (08/10/2012)
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