Saturday 9 March 2013

Legal and ethical considerations - CAP/ASA remit


This blog post will include the information on how and if our advert adheres to the CAP/ASA codes and legislation to ensure that our media product has gone through the legal and ethical considerations.


The following bullet points are the top 10 reasons as to why people find adverts breaking legal and ethical considerations. So to ensure that our advert does not cause offence to the viewers, we will ensure that we have considered all of the items. If any factors are unavoidable, we must find a way of protecting those in harm.

  • misleading information (based on price, before and after shots, editing, statistics, post-production techniques, etc) - We will ensure that we do not place any misleading information as we are only promoting our store brand, there will be no prices, purely products that will be available from our brand. We will do editing, but only on the recorded scenes, the models or products will not be altered in anyway for false enhancing.
  • depiction of women - We may have a few issues on the way our female model will be depicted as we want her to look attractive, but we will ensure that our model is and looks 18+ and we will not portray her in a majorly sexual manner.
  • depiction of men - The male model will also be depicted in a attractive manner, but again we will ensure he is and looks a appropriate age and is not shown in a over-sexual manner.
  • depiction of animals - Our advert has no use of animals
  • depiction of children - Although our advert is aimed at 16-23 year olds, we will not be using any models under the age of 18 to ensure we do not have any use of under-aged models.
  • sex - Our advert will be using methods which will make our models attracted to each other, but the pure focus of the advert is the outfits, we will not be including any blatant sex shots.
  • religion - The theme of our advert is fashion, and we will try not to include any aspects which include religion (unless pure for fashion trend reasons, e.g. the Cross)
  • language - There will be no use of diegetic sound in our advert, only the soundtrack of Justin Timberlake - Suit and Tie. The lyrics for the song have been checked and there are no harmful content in the soundtrack.
  • race - We have tried to use models of different races to ensure we do not cause offence or favoritism to nay particular race. We want our advert to reach all races within our target audience to have a higher viewer rating.
  • disability - We have ensured not to cause any offence to disabilities or health issues within our advert
One issue which may cause some controversy is that our advert will include the use of alcohol and Sheesha smoke use. This is harmful upon younger viewers as they will be easily influenced. Also, because our target range is 16-23, many of them may be under-aged amongst the issue of alcohol and drug/smoke use so we have decided that our advert will be a watershed advert, which means it will only appear on air after 8pm and banned from children channels/timings. 


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